Now I am all in favor of workers’ rights and the environment and all that business, but not when it affects my ability to buy whatever the hell I like for the lowest possible cost and do whatever I want with the least possible hassle. On Tuesday morning these crazy strikers were severely affecting my ability to get to the airport. The car service we booked flaked on us and Brooke had to call one of her friends to take us for fifty bucks. What if we never got to
The car service finally showed up half an hour late and as we pulled into our terminal at JFK I once again affirmed my support of the workers and their right to strike..
I am in solidarity with you brothers and sisters!! And Fuck you Bloomberg you fascist twat!!
We finally got into
The next morning we woke up late and spent the day sightseeing. First it was
Is it genetics that makes the Brazilians who they are or are they just products of a vibrant culture? Quite an interesting question don’t you think? We will be exploring some of the biological aspects of this nature vs. nurture debate later on in the blog, but watching the crowd was certainly as enjoyable as the music.
The next day we took a bus about half an hour away from
Brooke, who was walking in front of me, all of a sudden jumped back and shouted, “snake!” And there it was coiled in the middle of the path, partly camouflaged underneath leaves and twigs. As later internet research taught us, it was a pit viper. It’s not the most poisonous snake, but it causes more fatalities than any other in
After the jungle adventure and the muscle sores I acquired on the trek, there was no more fitting activity than to partake in a little beach action the following day. We were staying in Ipanema and the beach was just a block away. I’m not such a beach person, but this was a treat. Ipanema is a serious hive of activity. Just look at this picture, for example.
Even if you are only a fraction as pervy as me, you could easily spend all day gaping at the wondrous sights on the beach. It seems that the dental floss bikini is in fashion this year again in
After looking around for a while I remarked to my friends that I had never seen so many guy friendly bodies. You know, really skinny, beautifully tanned, a well pronounced bottom and perfectly spherical 36DDs engaged in a continual fight with their surrounding fabric.
Do you get the picture? I was too shy to take one myself.
I was shocked to discover later on that a lot of these boobs are fake, but unless there is some new ass enhancement surgery I don’t know about, the bums are all real and right there in 3-D for your viewing pleasure.
Later on in the trip a couple of Norwegian friends and I made up a game called true or false. It’s really easy to play. You just lie on the beach tanning and sipping fresh coconut milk, and when a girl walks by you look at her boobies and shout out TRUE or FALSE. It’s great because even if they happen to speak English they have no idea what you are talking about.
I promise there will be no more crude sexist observations about ladies’ bodies in this blog, but some people have been asking me about this.
A few years ago the New York Times published an article about increasing rates of obesity in
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