I was sitting at home alone in my house for the 156th night in a row, listening to the song, September Gurls by Big Star, and it made me realize that as September approaches, there are no cute gurlies around. In fact there weren’t any in July or August either. So I would like to take this opportunity to bemoan the fact that I ain’t getting none and the future is looking quite dim here in
That out of the way, on to some farm talk. When I was in high school and applying to colleges my parents were really anxious for me to go to
So much being at stake, my Dad took over the duty of writing the letter. You know the one where you say that although you live in a city of ten million you’ve always been drawn to farming and when you were a kid you always loved playing in the garden etc. They must get thousands of these letters every year from people trying to slip in the back door so they can transfer out into some other department. I ended up going to school in
I think this is funny as here I am seventeen years later, saying to myself “even though I am a city person and have lived in cities most of my life, I really am drawn to this farming thing and still do love the feeling of dirt under my nails.”
Someone told me last week that my blog was too serious, so here’s a lighthearted and fancyfree story which happened a few days after I moved to
I really was a city slicker back when I got my first and only taste of something called calf gelding. Michael, the farm manager came over to the field crew as we were performing the relatively mundane task of weeding onions and asked for someone to come help him with the cows. I jumped up right away, eager for a little break from our monotonous task, ready to sink my teeth into some real farm stuff. Animals and the like.
Minutes later we were herding the little boy bovines into a pen where their neck was crammed into a small opening to prevent them from moving. One person held a board trapping the neck, another hooked the hind legs to prevent the calf from kicking and a third held an object I will refer to simply as THE TOOL. Actually here’s a picture so you get the idea of what it does.
More humane than using a butcher’s knife to slice off the nuts, but unsettling nonetheless. The mere sight of THE TOOL is enough to induce nausea in most men. No blood is drawn but a well placed clamping in the right place (the vas deferens) prevents sperm development and saves the calves from humping their mothers and sisters. It only hurts for a few seconds, buy they are saved from a life of inbreeding. When I got back to the onions I realized that it would be strictly veggies from now on.
So the weird thing about the blog thingy is that it makes one a lot more prone to self-censorship than other forms of communication. It being so public and all. Why do I bring this up? Well throughout my adult life I have made quite a few decisions which ended up being a gamble (traveling around the world, uprooting myself several times to move across country), but they have always worked out and I have never had regrets.
I haven't mentioned this before, but now after five months of being in
I am signing off now as the storm from
Farmer Simon
PS – Here’s a list of some great albums I discovered (and rediscovered) this summer.
1. Sufjan Stevens – Come on feel the Illinoise. (going to see him next week)
2. Olivia Tremor Control - Dusk at
3. Kanye west – Late Registration
4. Red Hot and Riot – Tribute to Fela
5. Smokey and Miho – both of their EPs
6. De la Soul – Grind Date
7. Debut – Bjork
8. Aladdin Sane – David Bowie
9. Billy Bragg and Wilco –
10. Tribalistas – Tribalistas
11. Trojan – Originals box set
12. Apostle of Hustle - Folkloric Feel
13. Squeeze - Singles 45s and under