We made cider out of them apples at the Pumpkin fest we had out on the farm last weekend.
I don’t know if I’d describe my work habits as lazy during these last days on the farm, but I certainly have discovered a new found enthusiasm for afternoon naps and crossword puzzles. As a result my supervisor, Luke, has decided to give me the shittiest tasks to perform. Most of our days now are spent cleaning up for winter and harvesting the crops which have made it until mid-October. So I’ve been assigned to roll up 86 miles of irrigation drip tape (what I haven't already mangled with the tractor) and also another 32 miles of fleece row covers which we put over the crops to keep them warm. Both of these tasks take forever and are thoroughly demoralizing and I believe this may be contributing to my only giving 85 or 90% of my usual effort during work hours.
My fantastic tan is now fading, and my farm muscles are starting to atrophy. In a few weeks, I’ll be just another sissy with a few healing blisters. I leave the farm in a week, but I have my most difficult task of the summer ahead of me, dealing with nine days of hanging out with my parents. Actually as of today only six left.
I guess it really is time to leave. I’ve exhausted the entire netflix catalogue and the temporary insanity that I have developed over the last six months could very soon turn into a serious problem. I mean there’s nothing wrong with dancing around the house in my underwear listening to Steve Winwood, right?
Of almost equal concern however, is the enormous amounts of time I spend listening to NPR. I know NPR is a low hanging fruit if you want to make fun of something, but I have been listening to some seriously dull shows. I even heard several episodes of Terri Gross’s hip hop week. Can you imagine?. I haven’t started listening to Prairie Home Companion yet and to me that’s a sign that I can leave here and eventually gather back my senses before it's too late.
I have been doing a lot of cooking this summer, and so I’m quite excited to launch what I hope will become a regular feature on my blog, Recipe Corner. This first recipe takes only a few minutes of preparation and is great for those of you who are on the run and don’t have too much time for lengthy cooking endeavors.
Recipe Corner #1 – Farmer Simon’s Eggplant (serves 2-3)
Start with one medium sized eggplant. Peel the eggplant, and then grate into a large bowl. Dust eggplant with a small handful of salt, toss with hands, cover and let sit for fifteen minutes. In the meantime chill an eight ounce glass of milk in the fridge for an equal amount of time. Remove eggplant and milk from fridge. Pour glass of milk on eggplant. Then crush three 200mg aspirin with mortar and pestle (or alternately in a coffee grinder or between a strong thumb and forefinger) and sprinkle on top. Brand name aspirin is preferred but you may also substitute Walgreens, CVS, or any other generic alternative. Serve immediately in small soup bowls.
Coming Next week to the Recipe Corner - Roast Mice with oranges.
and here's a list of my ten favorite things to eat (in no order except the first)
1. A cheese sandwich with avocado and mango chutney
2. Creme brulee
3. French Fries with mayonnaise
4. Kettle Chips
5. Naked Chef's roast chicken
6. Broccoli Raab
7. Fennel - prepared any way
8. Masala Dosa at Vik's in Berkeley
9. Tom Kha soup
10. Risotto
Farmer Simon
PS – and how do you like these apples?
Hard to do the fall colors justice with a camera, but it's pretty damn nice in